Using LiveCrumbs refresher

It seems more and more people are getting into gnome-shell testing mode. They also seem to like some of the experimental features I am implementing in my branch. I decided to add an entry here that covers the steps you need to add gnome-shell livecrumbs to your gnome-shell jhbuild environment. Some of these steps were modified from a great write up done here by my good friend Augias.

First Step is to add my mutter branch to your local git repo and do a checkout.

cd ~/gnome-shell/source/mutter
git remote add -f linux4kix git://
git checkout --track -b linux4kix linux4kix/linux4kix
git fetch
jhbuild shell
make install

Then the next step is to add my gnome-shell livecrumbs branch to your local build env.

cd ~/gnome-shell/source/gnome-shell
git remote add -f linux4kix git://
git checkout --track -b livecrumbs linux4kix/livecrumbs
git fetch
jhbuild shell
make install

Then you should be able to test things out with

gnome-shell --replace

Checking for new updates can be done with the following in both the mutter
and gnome-shell directories.

git fetch
jhbuild shell
make install

Then to go back for both mutter and gnome-shell do.

git checkout master
jhbuild shell
make install

posted on Sunday, September 13, 2009


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